The Akron Art Museum tells us, “Over the next few weeks, you’ll see some changes in our AAM Update. We appreciate your support and generosity as we slowly transition to meet your new needs during this COVID-19 crisis.”
Unfortunately, that almost certainly won’t mean reopening is on the near horizon, no matter what the president is claiming. It’s cancelled all events through mid-June. Instead, it most likely means enhancements to the current digital content it’s offering.
So far, they included detailed photos of the Elias Slime: Tightrope exhibit, with added information about his working process and an in-depth look at the contrast in his work; @MuseumGames, which features crossword clues from museums around the world; and AAM at Home DIYs, including instructions on creating one-of-a-kind ’zines, or customizing a mug a la painter Morris Lewis with a drip effect using nail polish.
Keep checking the Akron Art Museum website for updates and sign up for their newsletter so you don’t miss anything.