There’s an old saying: “It’s an ill wind that blows no one any good.” So the fact that tRump is attempting to pander to black folk in hopes of fooling us into voting for his racist ass is at least blowing good fortune to Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., who will serve as the first black head of the Air Force if confirmed by the Senate.
tRump went out of his way to salute the achievements of America’s black aviators during his State of the Union message so no one in the Air Force is surprised by the nomination of Brown, whom his peers claim is super qualified.
“I am truly honored and humbled by the nomination to serve as the Air Force’s 22nd Chief of Staff,” Brown said in an Air Force statement. “If confirmed, Sharene [his wife] and I look forward to building upon the legacy of Gen. Dave and Dawn Goldfein and the many airpower giants before who have served our Air Force and our nation with such dedication.”
However, in the same week that tRump is attempting to curry favor with black folk, he also kicks struggling families in the teeth by allowing lending institutions to ignore the rules that are currently in place to prevent redlining.
According to a PD article, “Housing and civil rights advocates are sounding the alarm about changes the Trump administration is proposing to a law that requires banks to serve low- and moderate-income communities, saying the changes could spell the return of redlining.
“At issue are changes federal bank regulators are proposing to the Community Reinvestment Act, or CRA, a 1977 law designed to encourage banks to meet the credit and banking needs of all segments of the communities where they do business. The law was a response to the decades-long practice of redlining, a discriminatory practice in which banks would not lend in black neighborhoods.”
The entire article can be read here.
We can expect tRump to continue to blatantly pander to the national black community with more promotions and prison releases, and of course we’ll be thankful for them … but we still are not going to vote for him come November.