Cleveland artist Derek Hess claims he’s bored, although I find that hard to believe — all he does is hole up in his studio and draw anyway. And COVID-19 doesn’t stop art-making!
But he’s offering something for the bored of all ages: the Derek Hess Stay-at-Home Color Challenge. Go to the blog section of his website, where you can download hi-res versions of these 5 images in two standard printer sizes. You can print them and color them with any media you choose, or you can color the digital download on your computer.
He’s offering some interaction fun as well. Post your finished picture and tag him @derekhess or use the hashtag #hesscolorchallenge, and he’s share it in his stories. On April 6 he’ll choose an entrant at random to win a signed print of his “Burned Out” image, and two other entrants to get signed copies of his 2018 book, 31 Days In May. Appropriately for this time, the book connects creativity and mental health challenges including addiction, depression, loneliness and suicidal thoughts, and offers encouragement for anyone going through these issues. If COVID-19 is making yours worse, this is a book well worth checking out. It’s available at Hess’ web store.