Thu 1/23 @ 7PM
Cleveland jazz vocalist/songwriter/educator Maria Jacobs has been performing around northeast Ohio for decades, mixing her own tunes with her masterful renditions of jazz and pop classics, such as those from the Great American Songbook. After a decade-plus stint in Los Angeles, she returned to her hometown, where she also teaches vocal jazz at Kent State University. Over the course of her career, she’s released seven albums.
OK, make that eight. She’ll be releasing her latest, Bootleggin’ at the Bop Stop, recorded live at the Ohio City jazz venue March 31, 2019. And guess where she’ll be performing to celebrate the release? That’s right — the BOP STOP. She’ll be joined by the musicians who played on the record: pianist Rock Wehrmann, bassist Aidan Plank, drummer Mark Gonder and guitarist Jim Kiroff.
Admission is $15.