As far back as 1820, the price paid for buying a vote in an American election was anywhere from $2 to $10, depending on the locale and the seat that was being contested. This actually was a step up from the time when votes were bought with a shot of cheap booze.
Now, two hundred years later, tRump is sending his favorite person of color, Cleveland Heights pastor and suspected con man, Darrell Scott, to Cleveland to host an event that’s a bald-faced attempt at vote-buying on the super cheap.
An event is scheduled for downtown Cleveland where a whopping $25,000 is going to be given away to poor people. This works out to ten cents for every black man, woman and child in Cleveland, assuming the black population is around 250,000. But since white politicians simply love to pull “The Chicken Move” (buying chicken dinners for black folks in return for their votes) the tainted money could be used to buy one of those new Popeye’s chicken sandwiches for 6,265 lucky black Clevelanders.
Boy, oh boy, wouldn’t that be finger-lickin’ good!
City councilman Blaine Griffin was approached by Scott and his partner-in-crime Kareem Lanier, and invited to become involved in this shameful political charade. “After I was approached I did my homework and due diligence and it didn’t take me long to figure out the game they were trying to run on black people,” said Griffin, who politely declined to allow the use of his good name and reputation. He evidently wasn’t into the dirty game of “fatting frogs for snakes.”
The duo never mentioned tRump to Griffin initially, but instead touted the work of the sham “Urban Revitalization Commission” they head up. The “Commission” is supposed to ensure that blacks have access to the Opportunity Zone initiative, but a black developer who has been on the numerous phone conferences with the two lackeys ever since tRump first took office said that absolutely nothing they have talked about has ever come to fruition: Nothing.
“They are all talk, and no action,” said the developer, “it’s all a game of smoke and mirrors.”
The low-ball vote-buying scheme should come as no surprise to anyone since tRump tends to judge blacks as a monolith. He thinks we are all similar to the likes of Kanye West, Jim Brown and Mister T, whom he occasionally likes to surround himself with, knowing that none of them will ask him hard questions in regards to his agenda for minority populations.
It wouldn’t be so bad if these sycophants were achieving something of substance for black communities across the country by debasing themselves, but alas, there is nothing they can point to, no achievements or gains they can lay claim to. They’re being played like they were six-string guitars.
Progressive protestors of every persuasion should show up at the atrium of the Galleria, located at E. 9th Street and St.Clair Avenue on December 14 @ 2pm and let the world know that tRump can’t send two black yes men to Cleveland to disrespect the city’s entire black population … not without paying a heavy political price.
From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn
4 Responses to “MANSFIELD: tRump Insults Black Clevelanders”
Trump thinks that all black people are just as dumb as he is take those 2 sellouts and run them out of town.
Deb James
I can’t begin to tell you how sick I am of this Uncle Tom Foolery, and all the buck dancing that is done for massa tRump. Clearly, they have no pride, dignity, or self respect.
Right On Deb
In essence, that’s exactly what my comment said but it was deleted. Three times!
I agree Deb!
tRump’s recruites have no self respect!!
And, I might add, they are in Every State of this America!!!