As it becomes increasingly clear to the tRump reelection team that, since virtually every credible political poll (if indeed there is such a thing these days) shows white potential voters are pretty much evenly divided for and against the president, blacks hold the balance of power in the 2020 contest. If blacks come out and vote for the Democratic nominee — whoever that might be — in numbers anywhere close to how they turned out to vote for Obama the Orangeman doesn’t stand a chance of winning reelection.
In view of that reality, we can expect more black Republican political operatives to hold events in cities around the country with large minority populations, similar to the one they held here in Cleveland at the Galleria, where $25,000 was spread around in a desperate and disgusting attempt to buy black votes. Their goal is to use money to fool blacks into voting against their own self-interests.
The Republican lie machine takes its cue straight from the Nazi propaganda playbook developed by Joseph Goebbels, who knew that if a big lie is repeated often enough it eventually will be believed.
The lie the GOP has been spreading for years is that the Democratic Party hasn’t done anything for blacks, so why should we continue to support it, or as they like to frame it, why do we stay on the Democratic plantation? The truth is, Democrats have at times taken black voters for granted, but the bigger truth is that whatever progressives have done or have tried to do for minorities, conservative Republicans swiftly move to undo.
The GOP is truly a party OF whites, BY whites, and FOR whites.
Republicans have consistently over the last half-century worked assiduously to roll back any gains Democrats work to put in place that would benefit blacks. The 1964 Civil Rights Bill is a good example: Republicans did everything within their power to block its passage, just like they tried to block the passage of the bill that made Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday.
Now the Republican Administration is cutting food aid to needy families.
Another specious issue many black Republican operatives like to parrot is the fact that tRump has granted more pardons to blacks than previous administrations. But the real truth is that he had to let some minorities out of prison to cover the fact he let so many wealthy white businessmen return to their families — families who contributed huge amounts to tRump’s reelection campaign. All one has to do is go on the Internet and look up who actually got pardons.
The simple truth is, blacks (as well as other demographics) need a political party of their own to advocate for their interests. Jesse Jackson knew this when he launched the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition in the 90s. If only it could have developed into a true third political party but that was not to be. The one thing Republicans and Democrats always seem to agree on is that there will only be two political parties in America — much the pity.
So while the Democratic Party hasn’t been as fair to blacks as it should be, it doesn’t automatically follow that we should switch to a party that hasn’t had our interest at heart for over a hundred years. At its absolute worse the party of Obama is still ten times better for black interests than the GOP.
One Response to “MANSFIELD: Switch Parties? Not a Chance!”
Right On Mansfield…Right On!