MANSFIELD: What’s in a Name?

According to news reports Casino Harris (yeah, that’s his real name), age 20, has been charged with aggravated murder in the killing of two youths and the wounding of another, who was shot six times but survived. A 17-year-old juvenile — whose name probably is Thugish Johnson — was also charged in the case.

When a dumb parent names their child something that is bound to cause the youth to try to live up to later in their lives — like once they hit puberty — said child should be taken from said parent on account of said parent being too stupid to be entrusted to raise a lobo wolf, let alone a human being.

A while ago there was another young thug I read about who was charged with multiple murders whose given name was the alliterative “Hennessey Henderson.” The article didn’t say if his middle initials were X.O. or perhaps V.O. However, we do know what his mother’s favorite drink was during her pregnancy. The trouble is, no one told her about “alcohol fetal syndrome,” or if they did, she ignored the vital information, kept on drinking, and then wondered why the little bundle of joy she half-ass tried to raise turned into a troubled monster as an adult, one that enjoyed killing people.

I’m not a totalitarian by political persuasion or inclination, but at some point in the future we’ll develop strong family assistance programs like the Harlem Children’s Zone (which takes young mothers by the hand and shows them the proper way to raise a child) and make it mandatory that every new parent that doesn’t know what the hell he or she is doing has to participate, no exceptions. Take away their public assistance and the child if they fail to cooperate.

We should not continue to stand idly by as a society and watch as undereducated or addicted parents (who usually were ill-raised themselves) raise another generation of predators that might one day harm me or my family — or you and yours. This is madness, but a madness we could bring to an end in one or two generations. And the first thing that would be done is that the name of the child would be changed from a slick-sounding ghetto moniker to something that makes sense and creates pride.

We gotta save the babies.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn

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