Police in Prince George’s County, Maryland, recently arrested black 30-year-old Ricoh McClain for fatally stabbing 28-year-old Kevin Tyrell Davis, another black man, at a Popeye’s chicken joint. They both were in line waiting for one of those artery-clogging chicken sandwiches that everyone is raving about— and now someone is killing over.
Supposedly Davis was repeatedly cutting in front of people as he moved up the line, but when he made the mistake of jumping in front of McClain it was his last bullying move. Indeed, a jury might find McClain not guilty since everyone truly hates someone that jumps the line. But while I do believe a good old-fashioned ass kicking might have been in order, stabbing a line-jumper to death is just a tad over the top.
A black psychologist of my acquaintance once said to me in all sincerity that she believes at least one-quarter of the black men walking the streets of Cleveland (or any other large city in America with a substantial black population) is mentally unbalanced due to being subjected for their entire lives to persistent, untrammeled racism. Not that they are batshit crazy mind you, but crazy enough to think they can get away with bullying their way to the front of the line, or crazy enough to allow their temper put them in prison for a long, long time for checking another semi-madman. These are the walking wounded of the world.
Both of the aforementioned pathological behaviors are glaring examples of the phenomenon of “black genocide.” For the first time in the history of the world, a distinctive group of people is committing genocide on their own people, their own tribe.
Of course genocide has been around since man gained the ability to walk upright and fashion a piece of wood into a club. But the club — or knife, or gun — has always been used on the other tribe, not your own. No sane race of people kills their own tribe.
So, are some young, ill-raised black men simply crazy? Yes, to some extent they are. They’ve been driven crazy by being in the lifelong box our racist society has built for them and placed them in, with no discernible way out.
Is there a solution? Of course there is.
My wife, who holds a masters degree from arguably the best school of social work in the nation — the University of Michigan — told me that when she was in grad school almost a half-century ago, the answers were already laid out; the solutions to the mental problems of urban black males were already well known. What we lack is not the knowledge to solve the problem, but the political will to do so. The will or desire to correct the damage still being done to young black males on a daily basis by America’s original sin.
“You want regular or spicy?”
From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier mansfieldfATgmail.com. Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc
One Response to “MANSFIELD: Death by Sandwich”
Holmes Mary
I would love to hear from your wife what the “solution” is. I believe there is more political will now than ever before. How can we move forward?