In my last article, I suggested that either Michele Obama or Oprah Winfrey run for vice-president on the Democratic ticket. I suggest this simply because, while all elections are part popularity contests, our upcoming 2020 presidential election will primarily and foremost be a popularity contest. As much as it pains me to state this, but the person with the best ideas won’t necessarily win in 2020. As a nation, we no longer base voting decisions on fact or reality — we’re living in the age of spectacle and the electorate is exceptionally malleable.
While there are some very talented black women already in politics, such as Stacey Abrams and Kamala Harris, neither of them have the star power of Michele or Oprah, not even close. Either of these two superstars will turn out five to 10 times as many black voters as anyone else — no question about it. And black turnout holds the key to the 2020 election; if enough blacks turn out it will be totally impossible for tRump to win.
I’m not suggesting that either Michele or Oprah serve out the term of office. There’s nothing stopping them from resigning the day after they take the oath. At that point, it can then be decided who takes their place, and to my mind, either Abrams or Harris can do an equally excellent job of getting the country ready for a black female president in eight years.
The fact is, between now and the upcoming election, there is not enough time for anyone else to garner enough influential star power to turn out black voters in numbers sufficient enough to guarantee a Democratic victory; it has to be either Michele or Oprah.
Like I previously said, they can flip a coin to decide which one of them steps up, but make no mistake they both have a responsibility to do this for the good of the Republic. This is not a request — it’s more of a demand.
From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc.