MANSFIELD: The Time for Vigilance Is Now

Something that’s been nagging around the edges of my consciousness for some time now finally came into sharp focus as I was on the microphone doing my radio show on WTAM. For the last six years, I’ve been verbally locking horns with right-wingers of every ilk and stripe from 7-10pm on Sunday evenings. But after tRump was elected all kinds of disgusting and creepy characters slithered from under the rocks they had been using for shelter for decades.

While I vehemently disagree with some of their fascist-leaning political positions — especially the so-called evangelicals, those hypocrites who have sold their souls to the Devil to support a man whose lifestyle stands in opposition to everything their bible teaches them to believe — I didn’t think they were un-American … that is, until now.

There are some white nationalists who drape themselves and their sick positions in the flag, but in reality, they are not supporters of our form of constitutional government. They wish to alter the basic form of governance from a duly elected president who serves a maximum two four-year terms to a dictatorship. No, I’m not kidding. These twisted people actually want tRump to win another term so they can then seek to change the Constitution and make him president-for-life. I guess after he dies they want another dictator to take his place. These people are true fascists in every sense of the word.

I know, I know, all of this sounds as wacky as hell, but there are some whites that are so determined to hold onto the privileges they have enjoyed since the founding of the Republic that they will go along with destroying the country as we now know it if that what it takes for them to maintain control of the levers of power.

The fact the census predicts that within the next 30 or so years minorities will be in the majority in America is enough to drive these racists, bigots and those who do not care to respect the rights of anyone who is not a straight white male to the conclusion that it’s better to change the basic structure of our government while they still have the opportunity. And they view now as the time.

No, I haven’t had one too many drinks; I’m not becoming a conspiracy theorist; I’m basing my newfound awakening on the accumulated conversations that I’ve been having week after week with these white nationalists that are dead set on not sharing power with anyone who doesn’t look just like them.

Believe me — they are real, they are deadly serious, and if we don’t fight back with all of our strength and our truths we’ll look up one day in the not too distant future and they will have won.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc

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One Response to “MANSFIELD: The Time for Vigilance Is Now”

  1. mee d

    Sadly I’ve come to realize that those of us puzzled by how Trump got elected have been all wrong. Trump has not been the rebirth of racism & white supremecy, he’s the response to it.
    Evangelicals were convinced that race wars were inevitable back in the 1960s & 1970s become it was a turbulent time. But that didn’t happen. Instead expressing racism & bigotry became a social no no.

    Too many of us began to believe equality was winning the day. We were SO wrong. The racism, bigotry & hate for non-white just went underground. Unspoken.

    And since then they’ve hijacked the Republican party & systematically worked to make someone like Trump president. But, in their deal with the devil, they settled for a narcissistic demagogue. As they sow – so they will reap. Since the 1960-70s they have had one goal. Total white control of America.

    Read these books and/or watch the Netflix show. Its worse than we thought.

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