Bail Reform Is on the Menu at ACLU/CWRU Teach-In

Photos by Kaila Johnson

Mon 10/28 @ 12:30PM

Bail reform is just one of the demands activists laid out at Cuyahoga County’s most recent Criminal Justice Council meeting, a lineup of county judges, public safety administrators, County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley, County Executive Armond Budish, and others.

Community members packed the meeting earlier this month, just over a year after the U.S. Marshal’s report declared the Cuyahoga County Jail inhumane. With gross overpopulation being one of the leading contributors to the unjust treatment, the abolition of cash bail could aid the 62% of people  in the United States currently detained in jails simply because they cannot afford their bail.

The ACLU of Cleveland has been educating the public on bail reform for over a year now, taking this Bail Reform Teach-In to universities, nonprofits and community groups. Pretrial madness can be overwhelming and confusing, but Melekte Melaku always manages to make it clear and simple, letting the unjust reality ring through the listener’s ears.

On Monday, October 28th, Melekte will partner with Case Western’s Social Justice Institute for a teach-in and in-depth examination of the current reform movement. They will examine the campaign to reform the bail system, demystify the mechanics of the pretrial system, and present opportunities for direct action.

The teach-in will take place from 12:30pm-1:45pm in Crawford Hall, Room A13, 10900 Euclid Avenue.

[Written by Jenna Thomas]

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