PHOTOSTREAM: Labor Day Parade & Picnic by Anastasia Pantsios

09.02.2019 Labor Day

Mon 9/2

The Labor Day parade and picnic, founded in 1971 by Congressman Louis Stokes and currently overseen by Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, is a beloved Cleveland tradition. The two-hour parade rivals the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, with elected officials and candidates, unions, fraternities and sororities, social and civic organizations, cheerleading and dance ensembles, high school bands, area businesses, county and city agencies  and more fielding delegations.

Afterward in the park, there are food trucks, vendors, booths providing information on everything from the census to registering to vote to supporting the African-American museum, bounce houses and slides for kids, and the high school band face-off

View the PHOTOSTREAM here.

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