My most recent posting, in which I called Candace Owens, a black political hack, a “ho,” my terminology elicited a number of replies of outrage and consternation, and for that, I am truly sorry.
But please, allow me to further explain my position. Owens constantly blames blacks for their own lesser economic, financial and political position in America rather than placing the blame squarely where it belongs — on the shoulders of hundreds of years of institutionalized racism. And she does this simply because she gets paid by white folks to do so, and she will always exculpate institutionalized racism simply to make them feel more comfortable.
Throughout our [blacks] history in this country, there have been any number of members of our own race that continually sell us out for pay; this is nothing new. And as a journalist of color, I feel a particular obligation to attack these sellouts at every turn.
Indeed, if a white writer were to take them to task for their mischaracterization of the impact of racism on blacks, they immediately would cry “foul” and then seek to portray the criticism of them as being racially motivated. Oh yeah, they can see racism when it suits their purposes.
Admittedly, my language, as expressed via my pen, took a decidedly harsher and less forgiving tone the day after tRump took office since I knew that the world had abruptly changed. Playing nice and exercising decorum will only cause your ass to get kicked in this political environment. We’re in the age of spectacle, of huge lies and manipulations — and those who wish to continue to play by the old rules (something those on the right hope we will continue to do) will come up losers. Perhaps we can go back to that kinder gentler time after we change presidents, but the chances of that are probably less than 50/50.
Saving the republic has to be the order of the day, and to do that we have to win the upcoming election. But people like Candace Owens are getting paid to make sure that doesn’t happen. So, for us to win, she and others of her ilk have to be attacked and attacked vigorously every time they open their yaps.
So while I do offer my sincere apologies to those who were offended by my calling Owens a ho, I’m only sorry that I used the conjunctive colloquialism “ho.” I should have been more formal and called her what she really is: a whore.
From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc.