Sat 8/3 @ 7PM
It’s time once again for Heights Arts’ sort-of-annual Haiku Death Match, happening for the first time this year at Cain Park’s Alma Theatre.
Eight Cleveland haiku poets will sling 17 syllables at each other until only one is left standing. Competitors including defending champion Cordelia Eddy, being challenged by Lou Barrett, Steve Brightman, Karen Brown, Michael Ceraolo, Christine Donofrio, JR Simons and Mark Stypczynski. “Alternate” poets (in case someone breaks a limb writing poetry?) are Azriel Johnson, Ray McNeice and Pat Robertell-Hudson. Tickets are $25, $17 for Heights Arts members in advance, $28 and $20 at the door. And you get to vote on the winner!
The money goes to support the activities of the nonprofit Heights Arts.