Berea Animal Rescue Breaks Ground on New Shelter

Thu 7/11 @ 3:30PM

The big day has arrived. Berea Animal Rescue Friends (ARF) has been planning to build a new shelter facility for several years, working to raise funds. And this week, it breaks ground with a groundbreaking ceremony Thu 7/11 @ 3:30pm at 10015 East River Road in Columbia Township, on the 16-acre property it acquired seven years ago.

The new facility will increase its footprint over its current 1,500 square foot building and construction trailer to 5,600 square feet, with outdoor pens for dogs, two free-roaming cat areas, get-acquainted rooms and a large meeting room here they almost inevitably have cat yoga! They hope to increase the number of annual adoptions over he current 1,000 and while continuing to work with the City of Berea, work with surrounding communities as well.

The first stage of construction should be completed by year’s end.

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