Fri 6/21 @ 5-9PM
Don’t miss the opportunity to stop in at one of the first artist live/work spaces, the Tower Press building, when its resident artists host a group show in the Wooltex Gallery immediately to your left as you come in the door.
Sixteen of the artists who live and/or have studio spaces there will have work in a spacious, light-filled space, where you’ll find most of them hanging out and talking to visitors at the opening reception Fri 6/21 @ 5-9pm . Some of the artists have been on the scene a longtime and are very familiar to art lovers, such as filmmaker Rob Banks, photographers Michael Levy and Dan Morgan, and collagist William Mary Jean; others are young and new to the scene. In addition to those, artists who work will be on view include Susan Allen, Shaina Allenick, John Davis, William Gould, Katrice Monae Headd, Kristina Kuhn, Anastasia Linger, Charlie Malta, Erica Miller, Christopher Stofan, Damian Venditti and JenMarie Zeleznak.
It’s free.
Cleveland, OH 44114