Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument Honors Black Civil War Soldiers

Wed 6/19 @ 11AM

Many people have some vague idea that there were black soldiers fighting for the Union in the Civil War. But they aren’t always aware of how many there actually were.

Appropriately, Cuyahoga County Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument, which honors citizens from the county who fought or worked for the Union, will be adding 107 names of United States Colored Troop Veterans fro Cuyahoga County to the Monument’s Roll of Honor, with a ceremony being held on Juneteenth — June 19 — the day celebrated by African-Americans as their “Independence Day,” when in 1865 Texas abolished slavery. Each name will be read, to be added to the 9,000 names already in the Roll of Honor.

The program will feature a welcome and remarks by the monument’s executive director Tim Daley, the unveiling and reading of the names; remarks Jerry Young, Paul LaRue and Jon Silvis, who contributed to the research that discovered and verified these names; and remarks by historian C. Ellen Connally, vice president of the Cuyahoga County Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument Commission.

The event is free and open to all.


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