Sat 6/8 @ Sun 6/9 @ 10AM-5PM
The Western Reserve Historical Society’s Hale Farm & Village in Bath offers visitors the chance to see what life was like in 19th century Ohio with its recreation of a rural village and the various activities that went on there. Its Sow & Grow Farm Festival and Plant Sale will showcase all the work that went into keeping everyone fed, back before there were any supermarkets or modern conveniences, including modern methods of food preservation, including things that are enjoying a revival such as beekeeping, chicken raising and kitchen gardening.
Visitors will also get to see draft horse fieldwork demonstrations, sheep shearing and natural dyeing among other activities, take in talks by experts and tour the property’s gardens. The event also includes the 4th annual Citizens of Hale Plant Sale, with heirlooms plants, herbs and perennials grown at Hale Farm & Village. Proceeds benefit the onsite garden and preservation projects.
The village will be open during the event with demonstrations of trafes and crafts such as glassblowing, blacksmithing, pottery, spinning and weaving.
Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children 3-12 years of age. Café 1810 will be open for lunch and the Marketplace will be selling made-in-Ohio souvenirs including many handcrafted at Hale Farm.