Lake Erie Ink Holds Release Party for Its “Illusions & Reality” Teen Writing Anthology

Fri 5/31 @ 6PM

Every year, Cleveland nonprofit Lake Erie Ink plans and publishes a compilation of local teen writing, centered around a particular theme. This year, Illusions and Reality brings together submissions from Greater Cleveland teens selected by an editorial board comprised of teens.

Those involved in the project get a firsthand glimpse at the editing and publishing process. In celebration of their hard work and talent, Lake Erie Ink will host a release party on Fri 5/31 at B-Side Lounge. Hear readings from selections of the publication as well as during the Teen Open Mic, perform yourself, eat, listen and enjoy! Program director Jill Levin remarks that “this is one of the most exciting events of the year. It’s wonderful to see these young writers have their work published and to see their enthusiasm when they see their name in print.”

Doors open at 5:45pm and readings begin at 6pm, with $12 admission taken at the door.

[Written by Jenna Thomas]

Lake Erie Ink

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