Show Support for Mayor Jackson’s Support for the Second Chance Act at City Hall Rally

Thu 5/2 @ noon

A coalition of organizations and individuals from the reentry community will gather on the steps of Cleveland City Hall to demonstrate their support of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson. He has continuously shown his support for the Second Chance Act by providing individuals returning home from periods of incarceration with employment opportunities with the City of Cleveland.

With only a few exceptions the formerly incarcerated individuals that have been hired by the City of Cleveland have proved to be outstanding employees and have used the opportunity provided by Mayor Jackson to become tax-paying, productive citizens who are a credit to their communities and to the city as a whole.

The general public is invited to join us in pushing back against the negative, unfair and sensationalized messages being disseminated by some in the media, messages that paint a distorted picture of what has proven to be a very successful reentry program.

[Written by Mansfield Frazier]

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