Sat 5/4 @ 7-10PM
The unique event called Station Hope is described by organizer Cleveland Public Theatre as “A Celebration of Hope. A Dialogue for Change.”
Now in its sixth year, Station Hope was conceived to draw attention to the history of the Underground Railroad in Northeast Ohio and its connection to Cleveland’s social justice history and the social justice movement. It takes place at the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ohio City, which was an Underground Railroad site, and the surrounding block in both the church’s buildings, its yard and the street in front of it, with more than 250 artists and ensembles participating via music, dance, storytelling, poetry, theater and visual arts, all addressing issues around justice and freedom in the past AND present, in various aspects ranging from human trafficking to gun violence to police brutality to gender discrimination.
A small sampling of the groups participating include Lake Erie Ink, Twelve Literary Artist, the Dike School of the Arts, Cleveland Classical Guitar Society, the African American Quilt & Doll Guild, Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers, Inlet Dance Theatre, Julia De Burgos Cultural Arts Center & Talespinner Children’s Theatre, and Praxis Fiber Workshop.
It’s free and open to all, and most definitely suitable for curious children.