Science Cafe at the Music Box Looks at Research & Trials in Restoring Movement After Paralysis

Mon 3/11 @ 7PM

The monthly Science Cafe at the Music Box Supper Club offer a chance to enjoy some of the venue’s good food and drink while learning about a science topic from an expert in a forum geared for the novice.

This month Bolu Ajiboye, a professor in the Case Western Reserve University’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, will talk about research being done in the field of restoring movement to people who have been paralyzed through combining brain-computer-interfaces (BCIs) with functional electrical stimulation (FES) technology so people with complete paralysis below the neck can bypass their spinal cord injury and send signals to command arm and hand movements. This work has been undergoing clinical trials at CWRU for the past six years.

Dr. Ajiboye will talk about the history of BCIs and how they work and talk about their potential future applications, and the technological and ethical issues they give rise to.

The program, which starts at 7, is free. A full menu and bar are available; doors open at 5:30 for dinner.


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