Aftershock Burlesque Heats Up Lakewood’s Winchester

Sun 1/6 @ 8PM

What could warm up a chilly January night faster than a little burlesque?

Cleveland is overflowing with talented performers, and a group of them will be shedding their winter coats — and a lot more — to take the stage at the Winchester in Lakewood under the name “Aftershock Burlesque.” They include some we’ve seen before such as the engagingly flirty Georgia Pearl (pictured), Ellie St. Cyr, Kinsey Quake, Selena Noir and Shrimp Cocktail, along with some we haven’t such as Karla Marxx, Lakota Shekhar, Aminah Louise, Petra Peaches and Lavender Bitters.

Also on the bill is one of Cleveland’s most powerful and original drag performers Dr. Lady J Martinez. And yes, the “Dr” is for real — she recently earned her PhD from Case Western Reserve University, writing her dissertation on the mainstreaming of drag in the 90s. Corpus de Christie hosts.

General admission is $10 in advance, $14 at the door. VIP, with reserved table seating and a gift bag, is $20.


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