Take an ArtVentures Tour to Visit Gadi Zamir’s Negative Space Gallery in AsiaTown

Sat 11/10 @ 10AM-noon

The Yards project, based at the Warehouse District’s Worthington Yards apartment, hosts another one of its periodic Art Ventures studio tours.

This one isn’t strictly a studio visit though. It takes visitors at the Negative Space Gallery at the AsianTown Center, the gallery founded by Israeli-born Cleveland artist Gadi Zamir, whose work is part of the current Yards Project exhibit I Scarce Can Take It In. They’ll see more of Zamir’s own burned and carved sculptures fashion from salvaged wood, as well as learn about the range of arts-related programs and events he hosts at his space.

Meet at Worthington Yards for coffee and bagels, before proceeding over to Negative Space. It’s free and open to all.




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