Sat 9/22 @ 10AM-5PM
Sun 9/23 @ 10AM-4PM
There are a lot of good reasons to head out to the family-owned organic Mulberry Creek Herb Farm’s annual garlic festival.
There’s the garlic, of course. Whether you eat it or plant it, there will be vendors there with multiple varieties: sharp and mellow, flavorful and subtle, hardneck and softneck. If you pant your own, now’s the time to be thinking about it: planting time is October.
Then there’s the herbs. While your summer herbs might be reaching the end of their lifespan, you might want to pick up a few to adorn your kitchen windowsill during the winter. Mulberry Creek will be selling their homegrown vegetables too.
There’ll be a variety of other vendors, including food. Mitchell’s ice cream brings their garlic ice cream for the adventurous and a couple of other flavors for those who prefer their garlic in things other than ice cream. There’s a daily schedule of workshops and demos, and entertainment by Carlyle Smith from noon-3pm. There’s even a classic car show both days, weather permitting.
Also, the detours are gone. Yay!
In addition, both days there are afterhours events with Chef Will: a farm-to-table dinner with cocktails and a farm tour on Saturday @ 4:45pm for $75, and a Cooking with Herbs and Garlic session on Sunday @ 4pm. Go to the website for info on how to register.