PHOTOSTREAM: Cleveland Pagan Pride 2018

The 9th Annual Cleveland Pagan Pride Day 0n August 25 & 26, 2018 at the Bedford Public Square and featured the theme “The Elements.”

But more than just Air, Earth, Water and Fire were on display. So were the principles of Crossroads Universal, who hosted Pagan Pride Day.

Their mission entails fostering pride in personal Pagan identity through education, community charity and activism. So, two cans of non-perishable food items were the only admission charge. The compassion inherent in their understanding of community (Earth) was evident in the spirit of the bi-hearted vendors, the family and pet-friendly visitors, and even the supportive neighbors (shops, streets and local cops).

Workshops abounded throughout the weekend on topics such as tarot, Magick, fire work, energy spinning, reptile fun, and even hands-on tutorials on making your own wave bottles, terra cotta wind chimes and yarn dolls.

Entertainment in the charming Bedford Gazebo and elsewhere ranged from folk artists such as Brian Henke and Lucky Ones to middle Eastern dancers Troupe Har’eem Shar’eem and rockers Tuatha Dea from the Smokey Mountains of East Tennessee. Even the food trucks were amenable, with tasty Authentic Philippine Cuisine Hawaiian Shave Ice and Oak Leaf Kitchen offering plenty of veggie options, along with sausage and peppers.

Photos and video by Thomas Mulready. View the PHOTOSTREAM here.


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