Sun 7/15 @ 1-5PM
Cleveland is one of the best cities for biking, according to a recent study conducted by Place for Bikes.
Only 12 cities in the country scored higher across five key criteria such as Ridership, Safety, Network and Reach. But the area where Cleveland is one of the tops in the country is Acceleration, which indicates how quickly a community is improving its biking infrastructure and getting people riding.
There’s good reason for all the recognition: we’re fortunate to have an active grass roots movement and exemplary leadership in Bike Cleveland. offering advocacy, education, events and resources.
Bike Cleveland hosts Open Streets Cleveland, now in their third year. Begun as CiCLEvia, it’s part of an international movement to close city streets to traffic for an afternoon, for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy a variety of activities. Following on the June event in Ohio City/Gordon Square, the Sun 7/15 Open Streets moves to the Tri-C Metro campus area in the Central neighborhood, starting at Community College Avenue at E. 30th and running to Unwin Road. There will be dancing, yoga, Zumba, hands-on art activities, games, food, bike safety checks and more.
So join the fun, join the crowds, join Bike Cleveland and keep accelerating!
Check out the rankings:
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