Sun 6/10 @ 8AM
Amid the glut of runs and walks for various worthy causes that fill weekends in the days just before the heat hits, the Slavic Village Pierogi Dash 5K Run and Fun Walk. Instead of “raising awareness” of some disease or another, it proclaims that it is “the only dash that is all about pierogies, smokies and historic Slavic Village.”
The 12th annual event is for all ages and abilities, runners and trudgers alike. It starts Aetna Road and E. 75th Street with polka music to get the runner going, and makes its way through the neighborhood to wind up on the Morgana Run Trail in Trailside Slavic Village where runners will be treated with pierogies, smokies, and beer from Goldhorn Brewing. We sure hope there’s something for vegetarians too, especially since this race purports to encourage “active and healthy lifestyles”!
Dash is $25 per participant with reduced rates for registering in advance and special rates for Slavic Village residents and families. Go here to register.