Young Cleveland Band Punch Drunk Tagalongs Play the Happy Dog on the Heels of Their Debut Album

Fri 5/25 @ 8:30PM

One of the hottest young bands in the Cleveland music scene is Punch Drunk Tagalongs, whose blast of raging, ragged energy is leavened by a keen pop sensibility that never gets lame or sappy. Fronted by charismatic guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Alisha Stahnke, the quartet is a riveting live act.

They also spent a significant part of the last year in the recording studio here in Cleveland with producer Jim Wirt to record their first full-length album Hazy, which they more or less snuck out last month at a Grog Shop show. But you’ll be hearing more about them for sure. And there’s another chance to catch them at the Happy Dog in Gordon Square, where they’ll play with two more local bands that demonstrate how far women have come in indie rock: female trio Toma Doe and slightly oddball “uke-punk” trio the Sonder Bombs, fronted by vocalist/guitarist/ukulele player Willow Hawks.

Admission is $6.






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