The perfect Akron/Canton day trip included a tour of Richard and Alita Rogers’ private art collection, a trip to Jun Kaneko’s Blurred Lines exhibit at the Akron Art Museum, and a chat with Writing Knights founder Azriel Johnson.
The Rogers collection — Hieronymus Objects — was established in 2014 as an online and appointment-only gallery tucked into a beautiful light-filled brick home in Akron. Consisting of more than 2,500 pieces, the collection is inspired by 16th Century painter Hieronymus Bosch, whose epic oil paintings explore themes including terror and beauty.
Blurred Lines runs through June 3. Highlights include large-scale ceramic sculptures, including enormous heads both with faces and without; and a 65-foot wall of intricate, colorful vertical lines, titled “Mirage.”
Over in Canton, Writing Knights remains active in the poetry and publishing scene. The group, founded by Johnson in 2011, originally as a personal freelancing service, publishes novels and chapbooks, puts on readings and events and hosts contests. With a small bookstore (that’s always accepting donations of used books) in downtown Canton’s Avenue Arts Marketplace and Theater; as well as through its press, which publishes regional, national and international writers, Writing Knights is able to keep the small press dream alive. Head over to a featured readings/ open mic the second Friday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m. at The Local, 135 6th Street in Canton. There is a suggested donation of $5 or 10 used books.
Writing Knights is also accepting submissions for its 2018 Hessler Street Fair poetry contest until April 15. Find information on submissions and other contests at writingknightspress.blogspot.com. The 49th annual Hessler Street Fair will take place Sat 6/2 & Sun 6/3.
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