Sat 3/24
Around the world in over 800 “sibling” marches, young people and their parents took to the streets like nothing since the 1970s on Sat 3/24 to “speak truth to power” and turn a moment into a movement. Born in the tragic wake of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Valentine’s Day slaughter of 17 students and teachers on February 14, 2018.
Rally guides, FAQs and even a mobile app were developed to make it easy for thousands of students everywhere to support their mission: “The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues.”
Organized by 17- and 18-year old high school students in the region, the Cleveland march drew an estimated 10-12,000, with a total of 1.2M to 2 million people marching around the world.
Watch the CoolCleveland PHOTOSTREAM to see students and their parents gathered on Public Square, then taking to the streets with hand-drawn signs demanding action to curb gun violence: universal background checks on all gun sales, raising the federal age of gun ownership and possession to the age of 21, closing of the gun show loophole, a restoration of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, and a ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines in the United States.
View the PHOTOSTREAM by CoolCleveland’s Thomas Mulready here.