Local Bands Jivviden and Trios Launch New Albums at Double Release Show at the Grog Shop


Fri 3/16 @ 8PM

Jivviden is a local quartet that’s been kicking around the scene for five or six years. With Matt Sikon on vocals and rhythm guitar, Joe Wolfe on guitar, Brandon Tonti on bass and Steve Kessler on drums, they make rootsy, primal music that has a stark folk/blues vibe.

Trios is a much newer Cleveland band with a much older sound. Their bluesy rock tracks with a hint of a psychedelic vibe sound like they were pulled from an album recorded in 1968, replete with influences from that moment when rock & roll took off into new astral planes.

The two bands will be sharing the stage at a double release party at the Grog Shop, with a special performance by “Trivviden,” which we’re assuming features members of both bands.

Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door. It’s an all-ages show.




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