The Cleveland Opera Stages “La Traviata” at Three Venues

Wed 3/14 @ 7PM

Fri 3/16 @ 7:30PM

Sun 3/18 @ 3:30PM

Verdi’s 1853 La Traviata is one of the oft-performed staples of the opera repertoire. Its story is classically operatic: the tale of a high-class prostitute who falls in love with a young man whose family disapproves and persuades her to dump him. They are reunited at the end just before she dies in his arms of — singing a soaring duet, of course.

The Cleveland Opera (formerly Opera Circle Cleveland) will do three fully staged performances of the opera, which they’ve placed in the Great Gatsby era of roaring 20s society. Costumes, sets and staging will bring the story to life, and a full chorus and music by the Cleveland Women’s Orchestra back the cast of soloists headed by Dorota Sobieska and Timothy Culver as the lovers.

They’ll perform at the Polish-American Cultural Center in Slavic Village on Wednesday, at First Baptist Church in Shaker Heights in Friday, and the Tudor Arms Hotel Grand Ballroom on Sunday.

Tickets are $55 for preferred seating, $25 for general admission and $10 for students.




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