Mon 11/20 @ 7PM
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. was a respected surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic for many years. But what he’s really known for is his Esselstyn Diet, an extreme vegan diet originally intend to help reverse advanced heart disease and adopted by patients such as Bill Clinton. It involves not only avoiding all animals products, oils and even avocados and nuts.
Want to learn more? Dr. Esselstyn will be giving a lecture on his plant-based diet and the research behind it. The lecture is free although registration is required. It takes place at he Cleveland Clinic’s Lyndhurst Campus.
2 Responses to “Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Talks About His Heart-Healthy Vegan Diet at Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst”
Madeline coffman
Interest in health and nutrition
John Lentz
I believe that Dr. Esselstyn’s book has saved my life. He signed his book for me about 4 or 5 years ago and I wasn’t following the diet at that time in any real way. About 3 months ago I realized that I had almost all the early signs of heart disease. From that point on I have followed his book religiously. I feel great and have an upbeat look on life now. I had gotten to the point that I was so tired that life was becoming less interesting. I just want him to know that his work is still helping people. His encouragement to me when signing the book, made all the difference in the world. He looked at my stomach and said that I was not following the diet. I believe he could look at my stomach and smile today. Thank you, for not only helping me, but I believe my grandchildren will appreciate you as well. Sincerely, John Lentz Louisville, KY