Western Reserve Land Conservancy Trains Citizens to Help Restore NE Ohio’s Tree Canopy

5/10 @ 5:30PM

The Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s mission is to provide the people of our region with essential natural assets through land conservation and restoration. They do this through their vision of creating thriving, prosperous communities nourished by vibrant natural lands, working farms and healthy cities. That’s why in 2015, they partnered with Holden Forests & Gardens to provide the Sherwick Tree Steward Trainings. These workshops are designed to help foster learning in citizens on how to plant, care for and maintain trees.

“Training residents to maintain existing and newly planted trees is critical to the success of the Cleveland Tree Plan and our collective reforestation work,” says Emily Bacha, director of communications and marketing for Western Reserve Land Conservancy. “Together we can reforest the Forest City. To date, we’ve graduated more than 125 tree stewards and 250 individuals are on their way to becoming tree stewards. These individuals have assisted in planting hundreds of trees and achieving the goals of Cleveland Tree Plan.”

A community-wide collaboration, the Cleveland Tree Plan’s goal is to replant the urban forest through partnership. The Plan has three overarching goals: (1) recognize trees as critical community infrastructure, (2) reverse the trend of tree canopy loss, and (3) foster capacity for full stewardship for the tree infrastructure. Different member organizations of the Cleveland Tree Coalition are tasked with leading various actions.

The Sherwick Tree Steward Trainings aim to empower volunteers to provide quality tree care and increase public awareness and appreciation for sustainable urban forests in communities. This upcomingTree Steward Training will be split into two session classroom workshops.

Part 1 covers topics including Urban and Community Forestry, Tree Biology, Identifying Trees, & Tree Stress. Part 2 covers topics including Soils, Tree Planting, Pruning and Tree Care. After they have completed these workshops, individuals attend field training workshops. Part 3 covers Tree Health Assessments and Pruning. Part 4 covers Site Selection, Soil and Mulch Preparation, and Planting. Once individuals complete all workshops, they receive a certificate, tshirt, and invitations to participate in exclusive tree planting events and help lead community forestry efforts.

Attendees should expect to learn a lot from Western Reserve Land Conservancy Manager of Urban Forestry, Colby Sattler, and Holden Forests & Gardens Community Forester, Chad Clink.

The workshops are held the following dates, locations and times:

Wed 5/10 @ 5:30-9pm – Tree Steward Training Part 1 (Cudell)
Thu 5/11 @ 5:30-9pm – Tree Steward Training Part 2 (Cudell)
Both sessions will be at Cudell Improvement, Inc., 11650 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102

Parking is located on site. Dress is casual and comfortable. Tree Steward Training binders will be provided along with dinner for registered attendees.

For more info on the Sherwick Steward Tree Program, click HERE.

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