Sat 4/15 @ 8:30PM
Electro-acoustic improv trio of Ben Bennett (floor percussion + drumkit), Sam Weinberg (sax), and Chris Welcome (electronics, guitar) come to Mahall’s. “On a rainy afternoon in North Philadelphia, synthesizist Chris Welcome and saxophonist Sam Weinberg visited Ben Bennett’s house on the end of their near two-week tour and played for hours in his basement. The results astounded,” so much so that the duo became a trio.
The trio will be joined by local drummer/electronics musician, Actual Trains (Alec Schumann), who channels Laurie Spiegel, the Nintendo 64, Deerhoof and Sun Ra and duo, Serrated Slump (Pete Bach + Maggie Duff), who merge ambient synthesizer washes with amplified and processed bowed saw.
Admission is $8.