Wed 3/1 @ 4:30-6PM
We were unbelievably saddened to hear that the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s beloved otter Lucy died last week at the ripe old age (for an otter) of 18, after entertaining visitors there for 14 years.
And there’s not much that’s more entertaining or cuter than a group of otters cavorting in the water. These sleek, long-bodied critters are playful, clownish and even seem to enjoy the crowd that gathers at the pools at zoos and nature centers.
But Summit Metroparks offers a chance to maybe see them playing in the wild during an “Otter Spotters” hike led by a naturalist. Meet at the Liberty Park Brook Pond Center for this fun, later-afternoon stroll to try to sneak up on them and spy on them. It’s free.
Twinsburg, OH 44087