Donald Trump has once again made a nonsensical, off-the-cuff, shoot-from-the-hip comment on a major matter of critical importance to some folks, and then bristles when he’s asked for details. Just what does he mean when he says that he’ll “send in the feds” to quell urban gun violence in Chicago?
Does he mean he’ll send in federal troops (which would be illegal) or nationalize the National Guard? If so, how long will they stay? The fact is, it’s impossible to “police” Chicago — or any other city for that matter — out of the black self-genocide that is occurring in many urban areas across the country. As soon as the troops withdraw the killings will resume, if the number of shootings even go down while the troops are there, which is extremely doubtful. Are the troops going to go door-to-door to search for guns? No, the National Rifle Association would never allow that to occur … not even in black neighborhoods.
So, if thanks to the NRA, we can’t remove the guns from inner city Chicago … then we need to remove the people who are firing the guns from Chicago. And the most effective way to do that is to implement a mandatory national service program of three years duration. Everyone youth, upon reaching the age of 18, would be required by law to register and participate — no exceptions (unless there is a verified medical exemption).
The kid from Chicago (or Cleveland) would go shovel horse manure on a ranch in Wyoming, while the kid from Wyoming would go to an inner city neighborhood and repair playground equipment. Some might work as orderlies in hospitals, while others might opt to join the military, while others still could be required to get their GED. Such a program would also greatly reduce the number of deaths from opioid abuse, since being in a controlled environment would limit — to a large extent — the opportunity for a young person to experiment with drugs.
The fact is, other countries have used this model for decades with great success (Israel is a prime example), and with Trump in control of Congress he could get such a program passed in a heartbeat. Is it a panacea? No, but it’s a real start, and all we have to do to fund it is to build one less battleship.
When will members of Congress begin to demand of the president that we do something in regards to urban and rural dysfunction that actually has a chance of working? He could name it Trump Corps.
From Cool Cleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at
One Response to “MANSFIELD: Send in the Feds?”
Simmie Davis
My friend Mansfield. You are the only person I’ve encountered who actually has a solution to our grave issues. Every Dylan Roof, every gang member, would be really socialized. In fact, I have a client who is working on this very program. Great to hear your voice on this critical matter.