Creative Mornings Hears From Judge Michael Ryan on ‘Transparency’


Fri 10/14 @ 8:30AM

Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Judge Michael Ryan has quite a backstory. His own childhood suggested that he’d be likely to end up in juvenile court and eventually in prison. But he ended up on a different path. He’s told his story in the Book, The Least Likely, and he models that different path for the troubled youngsters that end up to his courtroom.

Ryan will be the guest for Creative Mornings, that monthly morning session where community leaders, artists and entrepreneurs share their ideas. The topic this month is “transparency,” which doesn’t have an obvious link to Ryan’s uplifting story. But whatever he says, it’s bound to be good; he’s a powerful speaker.

Creative Mornings takes place this month at the new indoor reading garden t the Cleveland Public Librxary’s downtown branch. It’s free but you must register. Go here.


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