The 8th Annual Sustainable Cleveland Summit Looks Back on Transportation and Ahead to Green Space


Wed 9/21 @ 3-6PM
Thu 9/22 @ 8AM-5PM

As we roll on inexorably toward the end of the decade designated by Sustainable Cleveland 2019, aimed at transforming the city into a more livable and climate-friendly place, there are more and more projects and transformations to look back upon.

2016 has been the Year of Sustainable Transportation. So the 8th annual Cleveland Sustainability Summit will be looking at the progress of projects undertaken during the year to put Cleveland on the path toward more clean transportation options. It will also be looking ahead at its focus area for 2017, which is the Year of Vibrant Green Space.

The summit opens on Wednesday afternoon with remarks from Mayor Jackson — that shouldn’t take long! —awards, and a keynote speech and workshop by Gil Penalosa, founder and director of Canadian nonprofit 8 80 Cities, which promotes ideas to make cities more friendly to biking and walking.

The second day will be devoted to planning and strategizing on the 2016 and 2017 focus areas, and looking at ways to advance the Cleveland Climate Action Plan. It takes place at Cleveland Public Auditorium. Cost is $20 for the first day and $30 for the second. Register for the Summit here.


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