ARTneo Benefit at 78th Street Studios Honors Area Artist Phyllis Seltzer


Sat 9/17 @ 6-10PM

ARTneo performs a unique mission in the area’s art community: it collects, preserves, archives and displays work by northeast Ohio artists and educates local audiences about their work.

Originally formed as the Cleveland Artists Foundation in 1984, it focused on the so-called “Cleveland school” of the early 20th century. It’s since expanded its scope and become higher profile with the opening of its space on the ramp level of 78th Street Studios.

It will be holding its annual benefit to support its work at the 78th Street Studios. This year it will honor artist Phyllis Selter, known for her heat-transfer prints and other printmaking techniques using material ranging from vintage photographs to Cleveland scenes. The $75 ticket includes food, entertainment, a silent auction and one complimentary cocktail.



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