In the presidential contest that we’re almost at the midpoint of, it appears that Hillary will win for one main reason: It’s because she’s not her opponent.
This is a race of the negatives — the electorate is not enamored with either candidate, but far less enamored with Trump than Hillary — and for good reason. The man is dangerous.
There are a couple of schools of thought in regards to how to help Hillary win, and win big this November: One is to accentuate her positives and to ignore Trump to the greatest extent possible, thereby denying him media coverage. The other way is to downplay the focus on Hillary and keep turning up the heat on Trump at every opportunity.
Me, I subscribe to the latter strategy, and here’s why: The deeper you look at Hillary the more the chance that another skeleton will tumble out of her closet. And while she does have a tremendous advantage over Trump in terms of experience, I can’t help but feeling that extolling her virtues and experience is akin to putting lipstick on a pig.
With that said, I sincerely believe the qualities that make Hillary so unpalatable to much of the American electorate are the exact qualities that will make her one of the greatest presidents in the nation’s history. It takes conniving and a bit of skullduggery to get anything done in Washington, and with master manipulator Bill at her side and in her ear, she has the chops to do the job, especially if the electorate gives her a Congress she can work with.
The Clintons, like them or not, are the brightest couple to engage in American politics since FDR and his wife Eleanor, and only John and Abigail Adams are in their class. And they too were disliked in their time because they incessantly warned of the evils of slavery, and how much it could hurt the Republic if it wasn’t addressed. Sadly, they proved to be right.
The way for a Hillary victory is, to my mind, not to get more people that are on the fence to fall off on her side, but to prevent those fence-straddlers from falling off on Trump’s side. Keep them on the fence and away from the ballot box all the way past Election Day.
And to do that you have to beat up on Trump at every opportunity, every time he makes another one of his asinine statements. Keep the spotlight on him (the one that he so loves) and eventually the heat from it is going to force him to make errors. Indeed, it already has. Every time he makes a ridiculous statement (to mollify his angry base) like “Obama is the founder of ISIS,” he gets hoots and howls from crowds that are already going to vote for him no matter what. But he loses more and more of the undecideds when he has to walk his wacky pronouncements back. This idiot is playing to the wrong crowd.
If Trump has got a ghost of a chance of winning he has to capture moderate Republicans and independent voters, but he’s repulsing them (almost on a daily basis) with his insane antics and “Beam Me Up, Scotty” rhetoric. All of the media experts know this, from Chris Matthews to Rachel Maddow to the dozens of pundits writing for hard-copy and online publications like The Atlantic and Politico.
That’s why they focus on him so much, and why Hillary should keep her responses to his jabs to a minimum. When your political opponent is drowning, it’s always best to just sit by and watch.
She should stay above the fray, and let the media do her work for her. It’s done a damn good job up to this point, and there’s absolutely nothing in Trump’s persona that leads me (or anyone else who’s a student of human nature) to believe that he is somehow capable of suddenly pivoting and begin to come off like Winston Churchill. It simply ain’t gonna happen. He is what he seems to be; all we have to do is just keep exposing him for what he is.
From Cool Cleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available again in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author by visiting
2 Responses to “MANSFIELD: How Hillary Wins”
Bill Wiltrack
Another EXCELLENT article Mansfield.
Harry M.
I Wish Poor People Would Stop Letting Hillary Clinton Come Into Churches And Neighborhoods And Drop A Fake “Y’all” And Sing Church Songs And She Receives Near Unanimous Support!!! Let Her Know That If She Wins The Presidency That We Have Not Forgotten The Clintons’ First Presidency In Which The President Went On To Sign Legislation That Incarcerated A Considerable Number Of Poor People. Furthermore, The Timing Of Her Husband’s Apology For This Travesty Was Interesting. Yes, Mansfield, Donald Trump Is Dangerous. However, There Is An Education In His Candidacy For Many People. He Reflect Openly What Many Think And Say Privately.