‘Zaniac’ Alex Zerbe Brings His Prop-Based Comedy to Cain Park

Alex Zerbe

Wed 8/3 @ 1PM

Olympia, Washington-based performer Alex Zerbe called himself a “professional zaniac.” So you know his performances are going to be wild and wacky. The high-energy master of prop-based comedy reels off trick after trick at a breathless pace, slicing vegetables in half with flying playing cards, juggling flaming bowling balls and much more.

His show includes singing, dancing, beatboxing, juggling, comedy and magic. He also claims to be the Hacky Sack World Champion (don’t look for this event at the Olympics quite yet!) and a gifted air guitarist.

He’s not strictly a kids’ performer — he does corporate events as well as fairs, festivals and schools — but he works clean and kids will be entertained by the humor, the never-lagging pace, and the visual and interactive elements he incorporates into his show. He’ll perform at Cain Park at what is billed as a “kids matinee.” Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for kids under 13.



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