PHOTOSTREAM: End Poverty Rally by Anastasia Pantsios

Mon 7/18

Various groups advocating for causes like raising the minimum wage, universal health car, peace, justice reform and addressing climate banded together to host an End Poverty rally and march starting at E. 45 and Superior behind the Lutheran Ministries and ending downtown.

It was as mixed as it sounds, with groups focused on fighting for their specific issues — labor representatives advocating for $15 an hour, Hispanic groups urging immigration reform — mingling with young males hopped up on their revolution fantasies. Not represented among the sponsors or the list of issues addressed was women’s reproductive rights, a core issue in fighting poverty. But the intrepid young women from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio showed up on their own.

In addition to speakers, the program featured a short set from Prophets of Rage, the band featuring 3/4ths of Rage Against the Machine, along with NWA’s Chuck D and Cypress Hill’s B-Real. The musicians then joined the marchers as they headed to downtown in the blazing heat.

View the PHOTOSTREAM here.


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