Thu 7/14 @ 6:30PM
If you haven’t seen Myopia, the two-part exhibit of art by DEVO co-founder Mark Mothersbaugh, now on view at MOCA Cleveland and the Akron Art Museum, what are you waiting for? As a visual artist, Mothersbaugh made the same types of statements his band did about humans overwhelmed by a mechanized, consumerist society and did so with a pop art influence that has a witty edge.
Its deceptive simplicity might even inspire you to want to create, and at the Everything Is Awesome Mark Mothersbaugh painting party at the Akron Art Museum, you can. There you can learn how to transfer a photo to canvas and the fundamentals of painting by painting a portrait of Mothersbaugh, with guidance from real artists. Beginners are most definitely welcome. Cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Register here.