Sun 5/15 @ 2-3PM
Cavotta’s Garden Center has been expanding in recent years since Angela Cavotta, granddaughter of its founders, took over the 85-year-old business. With its multiple greenhouses and display areas, vintage lawn furniture, pet goats, rabbits and chickens, and shop featuring value-added artisanal food products (bacon chocolate soda anyone?), it’a a fun place to hang out while shopping for hanging basket, bushes and shrubs, perennials, bedding flowers, herbs and vegetables — especially the 100-plus types of heirloom tomatoes she grows from seed.
“But,” you say, “I don’t have a green thumb!” That’s why she’s hosting a free gardening class for beginners. It will include basic information on when and where to plant different types of plants, insect and disease control, fertilizing and more. And attendees will get a 10% discount on any vegetable plants they buy. Register in advance 216-692-0300. Afterward stay and pet the goats. They’d like that!
Cleveland, OH 44110