Interlocutors Is a Live Video & Sound Experience @SPACESGallery


Sat 1/30 @ 8PM

Immerse yourself in sound and visuals at Interlocutors: A Live Video & Music Experience, taking place at SPACES Gallery.

Andrew Auten and Lisa Miralia have curated an evening that brings together some of northeast Ohio’s most intriguing and adventurous artists.

The evening will open with the experimental trio Celluloid Liberation Orchestra doing a partly improvised/partly composed accompaniment to two silent films: Georges Méliès’ 1904 “The Impossible Voyage (Voyage à travers l’impossible)” and Germaine Dulac’s 1928 “The Seashell and the Clergyman (La Coquille et le clergyman).”

The second half of the program features a live video performance in which internationally noted, Cleveland-based avant-garde filmmaker/video artist Kasumi will interact with improvised performances by a new group called Silence Quartet and the Kent-based Mike Crooker/Ron Pyrosonic Slabe duo for a spontaneous and unpredictable outcome.

Admission is $10 which all goes to the artists.

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