Fri 11/20
This past February, legendary producer Tommy LiPuma gathered some of the world’s best musicians at the state-of-the-art recording studios at Tri-C’s Metro campus. Their purpose was partly artistic and partly educational. They were recording a new album for jazz trumpeter Dominick Farinacci as well as providing opportunities for students to observe sessions, perform auxiliary functions and attend a master class and colloquium with the participants.
What made the sessions really special was the partnership of veteran 79-year-old producer LiPuma and 32-year-old Farinacci, who’s just beginning his ascendance in the world of jazz. Both are Cleveland-born and -raised. LiPuma’s name is on the Tri-C Center for Creative Arts. Farinacci’s participation in Tri-C’s high school all-star program a decade and a half ago opened up significant opportunities for him. Both left Cleveland to work in larger markets. The two had struck up a cross-generational relationship dating back over a decade.
They returned to Tri-C last week to talk about how the making of the album evolved and to play some audio samples of that process for an audience at the Center for Creative Art’s Black Box Theatre. They also played a few samples of the finished tracks to whet appetites for the album’s release, slated for early next year. They were joined onstage by Farinacci’s manager, Brian McKenna, who provided some insight into the nuts and bolts of making the project happen.
View the PHOTOSTREAM here.