The @ArtistsArchives of the Western Reserve Presents “Estate Planning for The Artist”

estate planning artists

Sat 12/05 @ 1-3PM

The Artists Archives of the Western Reserve (AAWR) is a unique archival facility that preserves representative bodies of work by Ohio visual artists as the basic for ongoing research, exhibition and educational programs. AAWR actively documents and promotes this cultural heritage for the benefit of the public. The orgization currently has archived 69 notable regional visual artists. Additionally, the Artists Archives offers educational programs and exhibition opportunities to current working artists of the Western Reserve.

Since many artists have amassed a large body of work near the end of their lives and are thinking about their legacies and what might happen to their collections once they pass, the AAWR is hosting a workshop, Estate Planning for the Artist and Collector, to help those understand how to secure the fate of their work. The workshop is free, Sat 12/05 @ 1-3pm at AAWR offices.

Lawyers Steven Day and Jackie Vary from Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts will discuss basic estate planning issues and give artists some knowledge, information and direction to think about when  and how to plan their legacies. Likewise, art collectors will be shown charitable outlets and other options available to them while considering the timing of de-accessing their collections.

“Artwork has a long lifespan and we must think ahead to secure the caretaking of our histories,” says Christine Ries Gallery and Archives Assistant at AAWR. “Attendees will learn about art trustees, archive facilities, museum donations and other avenues they can take to ensure the legacy of the artist.”

The two speakers come with extensive experience in the arts world.

Steven W. Day is a partner at Calfee, Halter and Griswold, LLP – Cleveland. He is a member of the firm’s Entertainment, Media and the Arts group, in which he advises artists, musicians and arts organizations on a broad range of legal issues ranging from taxes, corporate governance, employment and compensation arrangements to performance contracts and art transactions. Jaclyn M. Vary is an associate at Schneider, Smeltz, Ranney & LaFond, P.L.L. Jaclyn counsels individuals, families and businesses primarily in the areas of estate planning and administration, corporate law, nonprofit law, trust administration and related legal matters.

Attendees should come armed with questions. To register, click HERE.

Artists Archives of the Western Reserve

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