PHOTOSTREAM: @IngenuityFest 2015 Continues Today #IngenuityFest #ThisIsCLE #CleTransitions #DTCle #VoinovichPark

Fri 10/2-Sun 10/4

Ingenuity 2015 has taken over Voinovich Park at the end of East 9th Street, north of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The theme of Transitions is evident throughout.

It is suggested that you park north of Cleveland Browns Stadium, and follow the exhibits, which start by the steamship William S. Mather, continue across the North Coast Harbor past the Great Lakes Science Center and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and out the Ninth Street pier.

Since much of the work is inside shipping containers and under tents, the artists and their collaborators are having fun, regardless of the weather.

Don’t miss the main stage at Voinovich Park with some great music, and the artists exhibiting their in shipping containers. The massive bonfire is fun day and night.

#IngenuityFest #ThisIsCLE #CleTransitions #DTCle #VoinovichPark

View the PHOTOSTREAM here.


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